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There are a number of factors that may result in seeking medical advice. The first step is to obtain a referral from your GP in order to see a Oesophago-Gastric and ​General Surgeon for whatever the related issue is.

Oesophago-Gastric Surgery

Laparoscopic Radical D2 (extended lymphadenectomy) Gastrectomy for cancer
Laparoscopic repair of Complex, Para-oesophageal hiatus hernia
Laparoscopic resection of GIST (gastro-intestinal stromal tumours)
Laparoscopic Heller myotomy for achalasia
Anti-reflux surgery (Fundoplication)
Laparoscopic and Open Splenectomy
Management of Barrett’s oesophagus

General Surgery

Laparoscopic ventral (anterior abdominal)
Incisional and umbilical hernia repair with On-Q Pain Relief system
Laparoscopic inguinal (groin) hernia repair using tackless mesh fixation technique
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (Gallbladder removal)
Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy (GESA accredited) with Narrow Band Imaging
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